advisca - linking people

Our passion in a nutshell

advisca team – what sets us apart

You will already sense our passion at first contact – be it at our offices in Berne, at your premises or over the phone. Our multilingual consulting services are holistic, practice-oriented and uncomplicated. We not only have the necessary contacts and networks, but also a highly qualified team of specialists. The advisca team offers consistent, highest-quality support and impresses clients and candidates with customised services, commitment, personal appreciation and absolute discretion.

Contacts that create values – advisca linking people

We operate in a solution-oriented and partnership-based manner

your contact persons

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Engineer HTL/NDS
Finance MBA & Executive MBA Rochester

Many years of international experience at all management levels in Europe, Asia and the USA (two years expat in Detroit). In-depth knowledge of the automation, measurement and control technology, automotive, defense, packaging, electronics and semiconductor technology industries.

> 15 years of experience in executive search

German / English / Spanish

Heinz Reinhard
CEO / Owner

Alex Saegesser Executive Search Headhunter advisca3

Sales Manager
Graduate in business administration HF

Many years of sales and management experience. Proven competencies in the areas of industry and technology, trade, electronics and multimedia, construction and ancillary construction trades.

> 10 years experience in Executive Search & Recruitment as Senior Consultant / Business Development

German / French / English

Alex Sägesser
Managing Director

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Dipl. Sales Manager

Many years of experience in leading positions as managing director, sales manager and operational business development. In-depth expertise in the areas of construction, sports, industry and trade.

>8 years of experience in Executive Search as Senior Consultant / Partner

Certified Assessor TCX, Coach ICF

German / French / English

Markus Fankhauser
COO / Member of the managing board

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Executive Assistant with Federal Diploma of Higher Education

Many years of international experience with business office, PMO and finance responsibility. Industry focus on measurement and control technology, automotive, telecommunications, IT

German / English / French / Spanish

Franziska Kneubühl
Head of Business Office & Finance

Patrik Wenger5

EMBA Leadership Management BFH
Technischer Kaufmann

Over 25 years of professional experience in specialist and management positions, in particular 15 years in a major international group in the machinery industry. Several years of sales experience and specialized in customer service. 3 years experience as an independent financial advisor.

German / French / English / Italian

Patrik Wenger
Executive Search Partner

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Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Marketing 
International MBA

Management, market and sales experience in the pharmaceutical and telecommunications industries in the target markets of Central and Eastern Europe including Russia, and in the US. Executive search consultant. Speaks multiple languages.

English / Croatian / Russian / Italian

Davor Seric
Senior Research Associate

Foto Vivienne2

Student Business Administration

Management Consultant responsible for the Business Office. Processing of executive search mandates, support in project management - including media planning.

German / English

Vivienne Furer
Business Office Manager

Dani Homepage2

El.-Ing FH
Bachelor Business Administration
EMBA Int. Management

Many years of experience in leading positions as CEO, Managing Director. COO, M/V Manager.

In-depth knowledge of the industries electrical / mechanical engineering, medical technology, automation, defense, electronics and semiconductor technology.

German / French / English

Daniel Weber

Kristina Cavara
Star of Fame

2401 Stefan Weber

Many years of IT experience in programming, process adoption such as team leader in project and test management, coaching of individuals and teams. Industries: Industry, Insurance, Information Technology

> 20 years of experience as a IT consultant

German / English

Stefan Weber

simon bigler

Admission to the Bar 2014

Private individuals, SMEs, public authorities: Fields of law: Labour law, tax law, tenancy law, construction and planning law, family and divorce law

German / English / French

Simon Bigler
Konsulent / MLaw, Lawyer

Claudia Lanz

Graduate in business administration, qualified coach (sca), trainer SVEB 1

Design and implementation of leadership & talent management training and programmes,

Management diagnostic tools, organisational development, individual and group outplacement of professionals up to executive level

German / English

Claudia Lanz
Senior Consultant / Coach / Assessment

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Admission to the Bar 2006

Private individuals and companies.

Commercial, inheritance, matrimonial and real estate law.

German / French / English / Italian

Flora Haussener
Konsulent / Notary - Succession planning

coming soon

coming soon


Dipl. Masch. FH, EMBA in General Management

Strategic and operative business development and sales in a global context (Europe, North America, Asia, Middle East).

Many years of experience from start-up entrepreneurs to management staff in global corporations.

German / English / French

Kaspar Zimmerli
Senior Consultant / Business Development

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Broad track record in various HR topics

Professional support in the area of payroll / social security, in HR administration or as HR expert for project-related tasks

SAP | SucessFactors | Workday | ABACUS | Soreco Payroll

German / English



Marion Knotz
Senior Consultant / Human Resources


Swiss Certified Expert in Accounting and Controlling / Swiss Certified Specialist in Finance and Accounting / Executive MBA / SAP Consultant Certificate FI

- SAP FI Projects
- Support in accounting projects
- Coaching and reorganisation of accounting teams, change management
- Process optimisation and documentation
- ICS implementations and updates

German / English /French

Iris Beyeler
Senior Consultant / Finance

coming soon

coming soon

Heinz 7

> 40 years of experience in counselling and training

Areas of expertise: Integrated management systems, Lean Six Sigma, audits, strategic QA, Q technology.

Industries: Industry, services

German / English

Heinz Kocher
Expert - Process & Quality Management - Switzerland

Innovation & Active Sourcing Center

We put our teams together in the best possible way to meet the needs of our clients. In doing so, we benefit from highly qualified employees, experts and the proximity to universities and colleges.


We advise you on your vision and plans and support you in their implementation:

- Market development (identifying new markets)

- Mergers & Acquisition

- Corporate development

Business Development - Team


We successfully implement headhunting mandates in all sectors, both nationally and internationally.

We stand for professional target company and target candidate identification/research as well as direct approach:

Our focus: top management, executive positions, technical specialists.

We speak 7 languages

Executive Search - Team


We focus on micro to SME companies.

- Analysis of the situation and process support

- Business valuation

- Contract law, taxes & financing, inheritance law

- Search and selection of successors

Nachfolgeplanung - Team

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We live by the credo: Business first! We are committed to the long-term development and success of our clients. We ensure this through impeccable and convincing consulting services in succession planning and business development. In executive search, through the professional placement of suitable talent, which in turn creates long-term added value.

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We live teamwork and achieve the best results together. We share knowledge, methods and resources across individual, cultural and organisational boundaries - to be successful in the interest of our company and for our clients and employees.

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Our ability to develop the best solutions and create real win-win situations differentiates us from the competition in the market. Through innovative, creative and connected thinking and action, we exceed expectations and take on the role of thought leaders in our industry.


  • We focus on solutions, not problems.
  • We work together to deliver innovation to our clients
  • We strive for quality and professionalism.
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Top performance

It is our mission to provide the best possible service through focused, efficient and impeccable work performance. We act in an exemplary manner to achieve our goals and we work hard to exceed our customers' expectations. We also achieve top performance in the long term thanks to optimal tool and process coordination.

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No Passion, no Point! We are passionate about what we do and who we are. The success of our customers and that of our employees is our top priority. Our goal is to deliver the highest possible performance and continuously work to become even better at what we do.

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Sense of responsibility

We take responsibility for our employees and our company - and promote growth and long-term development. Experience, exchange, training and further development have the highest priority. We support our employees on their path to success.

Testimonials: Our service Headhunting / Acitve Sourcing Center

“Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre intensive und professionelle Betreuung während der Bewerbungsphase. Der Business Case war anspruchsvoll aber absolut zielführend und hat mir einen tiefen Einblick in das Unternehmen gewährt!
Ich bin mehr als happy und freue mich auf die Herausforderung.“

Hans Greter
Verkaufsleiter International

“Nebst der stets angenehmen und erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit schätzen wir insbesondere die langjährige Erfahrung, das schnelle Agieren sowie das Netzwerk im industriellen Bereich“

Jörg Dirren
Vice President Finance, HR, IT & Administration, Rychiger AG

“Absolut Top Leistung vom advisca-Team hinsichtlich dem Verständnis was ich als Kunde brauche, der Anzahl schnell gelieferten Top-Kandidaten, welche sowohl dem herausfordernden Profil wie den Ansprüchen des Team’s absolut gerecht wurden.“

Marcel Führen
VP R&D ebeam Technologies, Comet AG

“Fokussiert, präzise in den Aussagen, ein Headhunter welcher nicht nur verspricht, sondern sich die notwendige Zeit nimmt um dem Kunden optimale Kandidaten präsentieren zu können.“

Leo Bergamin
Leiter IT Applikationen

“Beeindruckend mit welchem Engagement, Scharfsinn, Unternehmergeist und fachlicher Kompetenz Heinz Reinhard arbeitet. Dass bei ihm der Mensch und die Persönlichkeit immer im Zentrum steht ist für uns als Familienbetrieb zentral. Die richtige Person an der passenden Arbeitsstelle garantiert Nachhaltigkeit für Kandidaten und Arbeitgeber.“

Dr. Tobias Moser
CEO, FISCHER Spindle Group AG

“Seit mehreren Jahren arbeite ich bei der Suche nach Führungspersonen und Fachspezialisten mit der advisca gmbh zusammen. Ich schätze dabei den offenen und konstruktiven Dialog bereits bei der Vorbesprechung eines Mandats. Dies führt zu einem individuell für die jeweilige Suche abgestimmten Vorgehen. Die danach folgende Beschreibung der vorselektierten KandidatInnen ergibt ein authentisches Bild derer, und erlaubt einen effizienten Prozess um die Stellenbesetzung nachhaltig erfolgreich zu gestalten.“

Christian Berger
Head of Business Segment Products & COO - Member of Executive Management Committee, Schleuniger AG

advisca gmbh | | +41 31 310 26 00 | Location